WAPS4 2023



Why is Project WAPS4 Essential?

WAPS4‘ is essential to humanity’s future evolution and is a solution to our problems of basic human survival.Whether an engineer, developer, contractor, government representative or just an innovative thinker, Yaser is always glad to talk to others about further developing the inventions included in Project WAPS4 . His current desire is to assemble a team of dedicated individuals to help with the promotion and development of the project to improve our environment. Human capacities verses requirements must be respected with dignity. It’s the foundation of freedom, justice, peace and respect for human’s rights of all mankind. Regardless of color, race, religion, gender or origin.

No Rocket Science

Project WAPS4 is a “Call To Action” consisting of a group of ideas and inventions conceived by Yaser Barakat for the conservation of some of Earth’s most valuable natural resources – air, water and land. Yaser’s concepts include inventions for cleaning contaminants from our air and bringing desalinized/purified sea water inland for human use and consumption as well as safe, environmentally-friendly energy production. WAPS4 is an acronym for Water, Air, Power and Sand with the 4 representing the number of inventions or concepts included in the project.

Our Focus

Project ‘WAPS4’ focuses on the extension of water from the ocean or seas to our countries and the construction of reservoirs/dams used as a building bridges of peace among nations. The benefits of this project go beyond increasing water supply but are rather humanitarian by providing more jobs and equal access to resources for more people. The vision for this project is to also focus monetary resources of nations on providing this vital resource to its citizens rather than using the funds for building weapons. In order to find solutions to water energy and food problems that we are going to experience in the near future we must unite for a better life for us and our future generations. Everyone on this earth has an equal right to receive access to fresh water. energy and food.

Our clean energy Project Have Many Benefits!

Our Mission is To Provide Clean And Renewable Energy With Innovative Ways Through Hydropower And Wind.

Few Words From the greats about Enviornments

EVERYONE On This Earth Has An Equal Right To Receive Access To Fresh Water, Energy And Food

Founder of Project WAPS4

The environment is everything that isn’t me.

We Won’t Have a Society if We Destroy The Environment.

We Need To Promote Development That Does Not Destroy Our Environment